Featured Event ads are guaranteed placement on one of our highest trafficked pages: BGHV's Community Events Calendar. These advertisements are only available for events that are being produced locally (in the Hudson Valley region). All Featured Events must first be uploaded to BGHV's Community Events Calendar. This can be done for free using this [...]
Digital Run of Site ads are in rotation across our highest trafficked pages on BigGayHudsonValley.com including: Major site sections (Home, Community Events Calendar, City Guides, et al) All blog posts All events posted to our community calendar NOTE: There are a handful of pages that are not ad-supported. These are generally structural pages like [...]
Big Gay Hudson Valley believes that the value of our community is its diversity and inclusion: Everyone is better off when we're all able to enjoy the best that the area has to offer. Events uploaded to the community calendar should be relevant to the local LGBTQ+ community, meaning they: Are happening locally (we [...]
Hudson Hall at the historic Hudson Opera House offers a dynamic year-round schedule of music, theater, dance, literature, youth and adult workshops, as well as community events such as Winter Walk. Housing New York State’s oldest surviving theater, Hudson Hall underwent a full restoration and reopened to the public in 2017 for the first time [...]