
Hudson Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center
300 Wall St, Kingston, NY 12401

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Saturday May 25, 2024


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Dinner and a Movie: Pot Luck and NYAD Screening

Bring in your favorite dish to share at our community potluck! Sit down and have a conversation with someone you normally wouldn’t, getting to know the different parts and people of our queer community. It’s all about stepping out of our comfort zone! After we have shared a meal together, we will turn our attention to the screen to watch NYAD.

Sign up here to bring a dish to share with your community!

About the film:

Annette Bening, Jodie Foster, and Rhys Ifans star in NYAD to tell a remarkable true story of lesbian athlete Diana Nyad who, at the age of 60 and with the help of her best friend and coach, commits to achieving her life-long dream: a 110-mile open ocean swim from Cuba to Florida.

NYAD continues to make headlines, as she did with her recent statement about one of issues facing LGBTQ athletes today, “Trans women athletes deserve our utmost respect. I stand with them in the world of sports and in the fight for full equality for all trans people.”

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