Beyond the Story: How To Make Meaningful Change In Our LGBTQ+ Community
Big Gay Hudson Valley presents an evening of stories & ideas for action during these turbulent and uncertain times for our LGBTQ+ communities.
The event will feature a screening of One Story at a Time: Celeste Lecesne, a short film produced by TMI Project about Celeste Lecesne, co-founder of The Trevor Project and The Future Perfect Project, whose actions lead to the founding of a globally-recognized organization which has helped countless queer youth find safety and belonging.
Accompanying the screening, BGHV co-founder Stephan Hengst will host a panel discussion focused on the small actions we can all take to support both our communities and queer Hudson Valley youth. Joined by Celeste Lecesne, film director Eva Tenuto, TMI Project storytellers and local leaders like Peter Criswell, Chair of the Ulster County Legislature and Alan Ince of the Hudson Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center. The panel will provide insight on how we can all get involved with politics, businesses, and other organizations to create meaningful change right here at home.
Now more than ever, queer youth need our support. At a time when LGBTQIA+ young people face increasing discrimination, political attacks on their rights, and social isolation, it’s crucial that we come together as a community to provide them with safe spaces, affirming programming, and opportunities for self-expression.
Come for the storytelling and leave emboldened with concrete actions you can take to make our Hudson Valley community a safe space for all to love, live and thrive.
All proceeds will benefit TMI Project and The Future Perfect Project in support of co-produced local queer youth programming.