• Event

    Tour Ulster County sheep farms, yarn shops, apple orchards, and fiber studios! Honky Tonk Dance After Party at Twin Star Orchards with Andrea Maddox and the Hey Ya’lls with a Shepherds Market at Twin Star from 4-6pm. Cider tour with Peter Yi of Twin Star Orchards at 6:15pm.

  • Event

    15% meditation + stretching + musculoskeletal activation • 85% facilitated dance (live dj) • 0% forced alchemy

  • Event

    15% meditation + stretching + musculoskeletal activation • 85% facilitated dance (live dj) • 0% forced alchemy

  • Post

    While religion and homosexuality don't have the best track record in the pages of history, there are a few people throughout the Valley who are working to change that.  Over the next coming weeks, BGHV will be introducing you to some of the people who have devoted their lives to helping our LGBTQ [...]