“What you are is God’s gift to you;
What you make of it is your gift to God.”
We all need to hear the inner voice that allows us to be who we are called to be. I believe we can do that when we take the time and space to listen to ourselves, to touch and be touched by life’s experiences and to cherish what we want to hold close and let go of that which needs to be let go.
To this end I’ve created Beacon Hermitage. The Hermitage is situated in the beautiful Hudson Valley at the base of Mount Beacon, the highest point in the Hudson Highlands.
I invite you to join me in this “little piece of heaven on earth and rediscover yourself”. Come and allow the spirit of the creator to touch your mind, your body and your spirit.
I would like to journey with you as you seek renewal and recommitment to life and community.
I am the Rev. Jim Rooney, an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Tradition, a member of the International Council of Community Churches and a registered civil marriage celebrant.
I have a wide experience in performing many kinds of ceremonies including: weddings, same sex weddings. funerals, memorials, baby naming days, anniversaries, counselling and retreats.