
Saugerties Masonic Lodge
19 Russell Street

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Friday October 25, 2019


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Theater Alive: The Skin of Our Teeth, by Thornton Wilder

During the ShoutOut Saugerties Festival, join us for a reading of the Pulitzer Prize-winning “The Skin of our Teeth” by Thornton Wilder, directed by Sydnie Grosberg Ronga. This play was chosen for its humor, theatricality, variety of roles and its political and environmental nature. Audience members may participate by taking on a role and being part of the reading on the day of the performance. A script will be available to all who are interested in reading; contact Sydnie at Syd@coolcode.net

Free, but due to limited seating, must register to attend: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/theater-live-skin-of-our-teeth-tickets-73026412967

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