Rocky Horror Picture Show
Movie accompanied by live cast! This fast-paced potpourri of camp, sci-fi and rock ‘n’ roll tracks the exploits of naïve couple Brad and Janet after they stumble upon the lair of transvestite Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Apoca-Lips Cast have been making The Rocky Horror Picture Experience for nearly half the lifespan of the original film released in the summer of 1975. Initially the film flopped but it quickly became a cult classic sensation, especially when audiences began interacting with the film at the Waverly in NYC using props, callbacks, and mimicking the characters. From this grew a worldwide shadowcast phenomena, where dedicated fans add gimmicks, parody themes, and more. (dir. Jim Sharman, UK, 1975, 100 min.)
“The material inspires affection, given its knowing pastiche of everything from Universal horrors to ’50s grade-Z sci-fi, and a shamelessly hedonistic, fiercely independent sensibility that must have seemed a welcome relief from the mainstream bombast of other ’70s musicals.” Time Out London
Co-presented by Beckhook Pride
The REVIVAL HOUSE series is generously underwritten by Diane Archer, Kevin Cornish, Allen Coulter, Wendy Ettinger, Sabine Hrechdakian, Bryanne & Thomas Hamill, Sven & Barbara Huseby, and Sarah Drew & Dal Lamagna.
Upstate Films programs are made possible by Arts Mid Hudson, Dutchess Tourism, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and by the Dutchess County Community Grants Fund of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley.