June Farms Pride Party 2024 feat. Detox
Our popular Pride Party is BACK! If the event is sold out, we will NOT be selling additional tickets at the gate. So please get your tickets ahead of time because it always sells out!
Although this event is all ages, the VIP Barn is 21+ ONLY. Dogs are NOT ALLOWED at this event, sorry!
If you are planning on taking an Uber or getting dropped off, there will be a $20 per person admission at the gate.
Join us Thursday, 6/20 for Pride Night at June Farms. Celebrate love and authenticity with food, drink, music, and friends!
We will have 2 food trucks that evening, as well as our very own Crafted Catering and Events at the Snack Bar! Our huge Event Tent is open for cocktails with a DJ for dancing!
Inside The Pony Barn is our VIP Barn where there will be cocktails for sale, sexy bartenders, and a meet & greet with the Drag Queens after the tent performance from 9-11pm. The VIP Barn is not open before 9pm.
We are only charging for PARKING this year so that we can control the number of cars arriving at June Farms. You do NOT need additional admission tickets, unless you plan on entering the VIP Barn.
Whether or not you have VIP Barn tickets, you will be allowed to go into the Event Tent for performances, and be able to walk around the farm to meet all of our happy farm animals!
Arrive early to get good seats and let the fun begin!
5pm Doors open & Event Tent is open. The Farm is also open to walk around and visit with the animals.
7pm Queens Arrivals and Performances Start.
7pm – 830pm Queens Performances
9pm – 11pm VIP Barn & Meet & Greet (you will need special tickets for this)