Pride in the Sky 2025 Flag Marshal Signup

As they say, it takes a village. Pride in the Sky 2025 will be one of the Hudson Valley’s largest ever Pride celebrations and to pull it off we need your help!

We will need approximately 200 volunteers to carry the rainbow flag and 100 volunteers to carry the trans pride flag.

Pride in the Sky 2025 Flag Marshal Signup


Which Flag Would You Like to Carry?

Flag Marshals must be willing & able to walk or use an assistive device to help carry their flag approximately half a mile. The Rainbow flag will step off from the Poughkeepsie (east) side of the Walkway. The Trans flag will step off from the Highland (west) side. Both flags will meet in the center of the Walkway.(Required)
Flag Marshals must be willing & able to walk or use an assistive device to help carry their flag approximately half a mile. The Rainbow flag will step off from the Poughkeepsie (east) side of the Walkway. The Trans flag will step off from the Highland (west) side. Both flags will meet in the center of the Walkway.

Kick off Pride season on the stunning Walkway Over the Hudson as we light up the night sky in rainbow

Saturday May 17, 2025